Welcome xoxo

Why start this blog?

I’ve thought about starting a blog or podcast for awhile now.  I’ve even been encouraged to do a podcast by friends after they’ve watched my Snapchat rants from time to time.  But do I have anything important to say that hasn’t been said a million times before?  Do I have an expertise to add to the world?  I’m a wife and a mom who has been through the loss of grandparents, a miscarriage, graduated with a BA, then a MS, become a police officer, moved on to work at a school as a glorified secretary…do my experiences and thoughts really demand an audience?  Demand, no.  Worthy of one, sure.

I recently joined a womens’ Facebook group that was put together by the church I attend.  In light of the pandemic circumstances, many of the women were contributing beautiful recordings of Christian songs, songs performed during worship at our church mostly.  Beautiful voices.  I, unfortunately, do not share in that talent.  What I lack in talent, I definitely make up for in enthusiasm, however, every Sunday (or after the quarterly worship night), I feel inclined to apologize profusely to those surrounding me (and absolutely my husband too, he’s loud, but awful at singing as well).  I haven’t actually apologized (hello, super introvert here!), but I want to.  Anyway, I wondered what I could contribute to the group.  I thought a lot about ramblings I’ve had in my head regarding recent experiences and how they tie into Scripture, but it just never felt like the right time to hit submit once I typed them out.

Well, that’s what brings me here.  I don’t even pretend to be an expert on anything Christianity related.  I got a late start.  No fault of anyone, but it just happened that way.  I’ll touch more on this every week when I post, but my story is just that, it’s my own.  And I thought particularly considering my late start, that it was important to share it.  I don’t want anyone shying away from the Jesus life because they are embarrassed, like they missed the bus and it’s too late to run after it.  It’s never too late.  Maybe you feel like if you can just get that last duck in a row, you’ll be good enough for God to consider bringing you into the family.  I get it, that was me.  Here’s the good news:  My ducks are not even ducks.  They’re squirrels and they are at a rave (credit to a meme for that).  And guess what?  It’s OKAY. 

My plan for this blog is to explore my experiences as I learn about Scripture and about my new life as a Christ follower.  It wasn’t until 2018 that I prayed for my Salvation and I’m learning every day.  I shied away from religious conversations my whole life because I felt ill equipped.  Well, knowledge-wise, I still am, but with Jesus by my side, I can acknowledge that and still be part of the conversation.  I’m planning to post at least weekly.  Some of the posts may just be rambling, so just beware of that.  I’m excited to see where this goes.  I'll post more about who I am and some other fun things about me soon.  :)

xoxo Amber
