Why start this blog?
I’ve thought about starting a blog or podcast for awhile
now. I’ve even been encouraged to do a
podcast by friends after they’ve watched my Snapchat rants from time to time. But do I have anything important to say that
hasn’t been said a million times before?
Do I have an expertise to add to the world? I’m a wife and a mom who has been through the
loss of grandparents, a miscarriage, graduated with a BA, then a MS, become a
police officer, moved on to work at a school as a glorified secretary…do my experiences
and thoughts really demand an audience?
Demand, no. Worthy of one, sure.
I recently joined a womens’ Facebook group that was put
together by the church I attend. In
light of the pandemic circumstances, many of the women were contributing beautiful
recordings of Christian songs, songs performed during worship at our church
mostly. Beautiful voices. I, unfortunately, do not share in that
talent. What I lack in talent, I
definitely make up for in enthusiasm, however, every Sunday (or after the quarterly
worship night), I feel inclined to apologize profusely to those surrounding me
(and absolutely my husband too, he’s loud, but awful at singing as well). I haven’t actually apologized (hello, super introvert
here!), but I want to. Anyway, I
wondered what I could contribute to the group.
I thought a lot about ramblings I’ve had in my head regarding recent
experiences and how they tie into Scripture, but it just never felt like the
right time to hit submit once I typed them out.

xoxo Amber
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